THANKS TO OUR MANY LOCAL CONTRIBUTORS. THE LIST EXPANDED DAILY. Please patronize these climate-friendly businesses!
The following local bakeries donated cookies:
Cookies were distributed freely during the Climate Fest just like last year!
Food and Drink Vendors at the Climate Fest included:
Frozen Art Gourmet Ice Cream and Popsicles, Santa Rosa (paleta cart)
Tickets for free food items were distributed at the Climate Action Healdsburg booth. Food was also offered for sale by some of our vendors.
Local Restaurant/Cafe/Winery Supporters:
Downtown Bakery
Marine Layer
Restaurants and cafes designated an item or item(s) on their menus leading up to or on the day of the Climate Fest. A portion of the proceeds will go to Climate Action Healdsburg.
Grocery Store Suppliers:
Summer Garden Veggie Starts were provided by:
Small veggie plant starts donated by these local farms were distributed for free to those wishing to plant their own gardens at home.
Other Local Business Supporters:
Garretts/ACE Hardware
The Hotel Trio discounted lodging for Rocio, La Dama de la Cumbia, and her band. Prickett’s Nursery loaned all the plants at the event. Other businesses donated items for our free raffles.